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Inverter welding

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n the highly competitive industrial heating and welding market,

you need products with leading technologies to be successful. Today, the trend is moving towards lighter, portable, more budget-friendly industrial heating and welding equipment. At the same time, customers are looking for efficient welding machine systems that deliver high performance and allow them to offer an extended warranty. To reduce the weight and size of your welding design? Turn to our higher switch frequency IGBT modules and discrete IGBT.We also offer system solutions, including gate drivers, current sensors,metal film capacitors, cooling fan & heat sink to help you optimize your industrial heating equipment or welding equipment design. Choose Rongtech and count on enhanced reliability thanks to better thermal performance and higher power density. Because reliability of welding systems depends greatly on the electronic components, Infineon’s highly durable, proven family of products is always the best choice.

Inverter welding-rongtech

Inverter welding-rongtech

Inverter welding-rongtech

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